Athenos Medical Diagnostics
Workers Compensation/Personal Injury Testing Division
EMG Testing for Worker’s Compensation and Personal Injuries

EMG/NCV Testing to Document Nerve Injury, Pinched Nerves, Whiplash, Sciatica, To Document Traumatic Injuries to the Low back, Neck, Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet. We Document work related injuries: Carpal Tunnel, Sciatica, Cubital Tunnel, Crush Injuries and nerve damage caused by Slips and Falls.
We will work with your attorney in Personal Injuries on a Lien Basis and in Disputed and Non-Disputed Worker’s Compensation Cases. (Athenos Medical EMG Testing services are paid when case settles).

Early EMG Testing to ASSESS Severity of Low Back Injury CORRECTLY!
IS IT A NERVE INJURY? Get Tested and Document Your Nerve Injury for the Best Care and CORRECT DIAGNOSIS
Many Low back injuries cause severe disability and pain if not diagnosed INITIALLY correctly!

Constant Vibration Causes Carpal Tunnel and Pinched Nerves in the Neck. EMG Testing for Pinched Nerves, Brachial Plexus Injuries and Other Nerve Stretch Injuries.

Slips, Falls and Lifting Injuries… EMG Testing of Low Back and Legs Diagnoses Nerve Injury If You Have Numbness, Tingling or Weakness.

We have world class testing for Neurological Injury to the Neck in Whiplash as well as correctly and definitively diagnosing Carpal Tunnel.
Chronic work injuries due to chronic overuse of the shoulder or heavy workloads or extensive overuse syndromes that cause severe pain and possible disabling shoulder conditions, such as a broken rotator cuff or thoracic outlet syndrome.
This often causes burning in the arm, pain and weakness.


Get help for personal injury injuries and trips and falls that should never have happened if the property had been properly maintained! No need to suffer from personal injuries due to negligence of owners or municipalities and cities that cannot keep up with repairs to their hallways, stairs or public spaces.
(312) 877-0035
Fast & Convenient
EMG/NCV Testing to Document Nerve Injury, Pinched Nerves, Whiplash, Sciatica, To Document Traumatic Injuries to the Low back, Neck, Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet. We Document work related injuries: Carpal Tunnel, Sciatica, Cubital Tunnel, Crush Injuries and nerve damage caused by Slips and Falls.
We will work with your attorney in Personal Injuries on a Lien Basis and in Disputed and Non-Disputed Worker’s Compensation Cases. (Athenos Medical EMG Testing services are paid when case settles).