Low Back, Leg, or Foot pain / Sciatica Evaluation & Treatment

Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatica is a painful nerve compression, generally occurring on one side of the body, however, it can affect both sides, resulting in chronic pain. Sciatica nerve pain can manifest itself in multiple ways.
These may include:
- Extreme Low Back Pain
- Muscle Weakness
- Tingling Sensations
- Burning Pain Sensations
- Radiating Pain to Feet & Legs
- Feelings of Numbness
- Cramping and Ache to the muscles of the Hip, Thigh and Leg.
Similar to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Millions of Americans are diagnosed with Sciatica but why and where the problem is coming from, is often not part of what they are told. Truth be told, an MRI is only part of the correct diagnostic process when evaluating chronic lower back symptoms especially when they accompany lower extremity symptoms.
See to it that your Sciatica is properly evaluated by having an EMG electromyography done as part of your full diagnostic evaluation. This will have a tremendous impact on directing the course of your therapy that is most suited to your individual condition, which greatly speeds up your recovery to better health and a symptom free life.
EMG Is The Best Test To Diagnose Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel Evaluation and Testing
Every Day thousands of individuals who are experiencing, pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in their hands are diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In too many cases, the site thought to be the problem, the wrist area, is actually not the correct site or is just one of several sites along the course of the nerve tract that is being compressed or irritated. Possibilities include nerve compression in the neck from cervical disc degeneration, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, and over sites in the arm compressing the course of the nerve including the carpal tunnel.
EMG Electromyography Testing is the really the best way to tell the degree of nerve damage and the actual site that is causing your condition. Without EMG testing, much of your time and money spent on therapy can be wasted. Even carpal tunnel surgeries have a high level of failure because there wasn’t a proper EMG evaluation prior to performing the carpal tunnel surgery to confirm this is the actual compression area.
Don’t become another one of the failed statistics and get EMG tested to get on the correct course of care by calling us and scheduling a FREE consultation.
Diabetic / Diabetic Neuropathy Evaluation & Treatment Consultations
Millions of Americans are becoming diabetics each and every year at an alarming rate. Many people correctly recognize that diabetes affects the cardiovascular system but few know that the most common symptom of this progressive disease is Nerve Damage. The Chronic Repetitive Cycle of Inflammation and Repair without restoring a proper functional nerve cell environment in the body, even with “Controlled or Managed Diabetes” causes extensive permanent nerve damage throughout the body, leading to the pain and dysfunction of Diabetic Neuropathy.
All too often your doctor is alerted about Neuropathy after you’ve complained for several month about the numbness, aching, and deadness like feelings in your hands and feet. Diabetic Neuropathy is a progressive and very difficult set of symptoms to live with. Neuropathy is often only diagnosed once significant damage has been done. EMG electromyography is the gold standard in Neuropathy diagnosis and can make a huge difference in your care.
If you are a Diabetic and have not been screened and educated on what symptoms to be aware of, Break the Cycle and call NeuroTesting Group who has help diagnosis hundreds of diabetics and consulted with them on how to naturally heal your body with our Transformations Health Process for Neuropathy and Diabetes Reversal.
Get EMG Tested to determine the level of risk if you’re a new diabetic. If you have chronic diabetes, EMG testing will document the level of nerve damage in your feet and hands which is necessary for MEDICARE as a final diagnosis and future reimbursements. The EMG Diabetic Evaluation takes only 20 minutes so Call us at (312) 877-0035 Today.

Get Injury Relief
Have you experienced any of these lately?
- Recently had a work, auto, slip or fall injury ?
- Suffered a Neck or Upper Back Injury?
- Have Numbness, Tingling, Weakness, or Pain?
- Have a Personal Injury / Workers Comp Case?
- Fighting with Your insurance company for treatment?
- Been told you don’t really have a problem?
- Cramping and Ache to the muscles of the Hip, Thigh and Leg.
- Your Doctor just offering you more pain pills?
- Physical therapy not helping much?
You may not feel all the effects of Whiplash Initially
One main effects of Whiplash is nerve damage from stretch injuries to the large nerves of the neck and shoulders during the collision where these very sensitive nerves that travel from your spinal cord to your fingertips are rapidly stretched.
You may have notice the increasing and progressive pain, numbness, and or tingling in your arm and hand, which may even get to the point of hand weakness. This is a sign that your nerves have been damaged during the in the accident, and your case should be properly evaluated and worked up with and EMG electromyography evaluation.
Objective data, which is what an EMG electromyography test can provide, will make or break your case as more often insurance companies look for ways of shortening or even eliminating your care, robbing you from treatment, and leaving your with incomplete recovery, permanent pain, and at times thousands in unpaid bills.
Don’t let them get away with this, Document your condition and your treatment properly. NeuroTesting Group has performed hundreds of independent medical examination, peer reviews, and is a specialist asked to evaluate and document injuries that have occurred in the workplace and motor vehicle accidents.
Call NeuroTesting Group Today to have your Proper EMG workup completed Today.