EMG Best Test To Diagnose Carpal Tunnel | Neuro Testing Group

EMG Best Test To Diagnose Carpal Tunnel

Best Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the EMG/NCV Nerve Test

Exams and Tests for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Testing

The test can be ordered after 1 month of symptoms of numbness, tingling, weakness in the hand/wrist/forearm where the symptoms are moderate to severe or persistent referred pain from the neck or forearm to hand is in your overall history with no relief from other therapies. Additionally this test can be ordered if the hand numbness, tingling or weakness persists greater than 3 months with no relief from other therapies EVEN IF YOU HAVE ONLY MINOR SYMPTOMS.

Persistent compression or chaffing creates scar tissue which only make the condition worse so Early diagnosis is important. In the physical exam and neurological exam your doctor will observe any swelling, limitation in movement, any movement that causes you pain and your symptom pattern, test your reflexes, muscle strength, and other nerve changes.

In the physical exam and neurological exam your doctor will observe any swelling, limitation in movement, any movement that causes you pain and your symptom pattern, test your reflexes, muscle strength, and other nerve changes.

How Your Doctor Properly Diagnoses Carpal Tunnel Nerve Pain

To diagnose carpal tunnel correctly and develop a list of possible causes, an EMG/NCV (Electromyography/Nerve Conduction Velocity Study) is the most accurate and correct test and is required.

Your doctor may order a 3T (Tesla) MRI If your doctor thinks it's possible you have carpal tunnel causing your hand/wrist pain. However it may not show minor nerve compression in the carpal tunnel that often may be the cause of your symptoms.

EMG testing is the most effective test to accurately diagnosis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Upper Extremity Overuse Syndrome.

Together, these various exams and tests, the EMG Test being the most specific and accurate test, will give your doctor a more complete picture where your nerve is pinched and confirm median nerve compression in the carpal tunnel. Other nerves traversing the forearm/wrist may also be involved such as the ulnar (ring finger side) and radial (back of hand) nerves.

Using this information, he or she will be able to make the best, accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause of your hand/wrist/forearm pain.

Frequent symptoms of "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" are:

  • Numbness or Tingling in the fingers or entire hand.
  • Shooting, burning pain in the hand or wrist.
  • Hand activity increases pain in the hand/wrist.
  • Hands feel cold frequently.
  • Swelling of the hand or fingers.
  • Grip strength weakness
  • Hand muscles feel tired or slow to respond after use.
  • Shooting pain down the forearms in to the hand.

The Median nerve is formed from the C5,C6,C8, T1 nerve roots. Nerve roots are not "solitary" structures but are part of the body's entire nervous system capable of transmitting pain and sensation from the hand/forearm and directing motor movements. It is important to determine if pinched cervical nerve roots may be contributing to your symptoms. “Radiculopathy”, a pinching of the “lateral nerve root that exits the spine through a side canal can occur when compression of a nerve root from a disc rupture (herniated disc) or bone spur (osteophyte) occurs in the cervical spine as this nerve leaves the cervical spinal canal and travels through the lateral neck region to become the median nerve.

What Causes Median Nerve Compression (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)?

  • Frequent hand use such as in typing or manufacturing jobs
  • Frequent flexion/extension movements of the wrists.
  • Frequent exposure of the hands to cold/heat.
  • Hand/wrist trauma or occupational overuse
  • Do not wait too long after you notice regular symptoms to schedule your EMG Test, you are prolonging your condition, delaying correct and accurate diagnosis and allowing scar tissue to build up. If you have an undiagnosed cervical disc herniation further trauma to the disc can cause more permanent disability if the nerve compression goes undiagnosed.

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